It's that time of year again... and there seems to be a little more time to vote, so here goes:
Our crew of rascally rap personalities have once again been nominated by the local arts paper-of-record as the most phenomenal rap act in the galaxy.
And we hope you agree with them.
If not, bribery can be arranged. But either way, we need your vote.
It's easy and quick. Here's the drill:
Click here: http://thephoenix.com/BMP/Providence/vote/HipHopAct/
Click next to "Poorly Drawn People"
Click "Submit Vote" below the list of nominees
Click "Cast Your Ballot" (next to "You Have Successfully Voted") - unless you prefer to continue voting in other categories*
This will take you to a page where you can review your selections.
Fill in your name and email address (they don't spam you, we promise), and click "Cast Your Ballot"
(unless you have multiple email addresses you can use for voter fraud, that is).
If you plan to vote, please do so as soon as possible. Polls close soon.
And feel free to forward to everyone you know that we don't. They'll grow to love us in the future, we promise. But we'll take their votes now.
We very much appreciate your help with this. We would really like to be able to use the phrase "threepeat" with a straight face.
*If you're looking for suggestions for other acts to vote for, may we suggest these friends-of-PDP:
Best DJ/Electronica: DJ STERBYROCK
Best Breakthrough Act: SEXCOFFEE
Best Male Vocalist: JOHNNY CARLEVALE
Best Female Vocalist: LEAH CARLSON
Best Singer-Songwriter Act: MARY BEE
Best Album: SIX STAR GENERAL "Spaceship to Planet Cookie"
Best Song: THEO "Say It Right"